
Sometimes writers block is  more physical than mental.
Sometimes writers block is more physical than mental.

I love a good drink every now and then. Heck let’s be honest. After a long stressful day, I love to sit and relax with a delicious cocktail.  A little  more honesty, the day doesn’t have to be that stressful for me to look forward to a cocktail.  Yet, I am too busy most of the time to make a special trip to the store for a forgotten or much needed item.    I make do with what I have in my  kitchen.  That being said I have peeled a tangerine rind into a fancy curl so the first drink looked spectacular.  Find a balance that makes you happy.

I have a few rules for cocktail making.

1. Fruit is your friend.  Let’s not get scurvy.

2. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Moderation is key. I may think that I am a rockstar but the next morning I feel  the way Keith Richard looks. ( a shriveled prune)

3. Invite a friend  or loved one over to enjoy your creation and raise a toast to health and happiness.

4. Give your drink a name. Preferably not one that sounds like a frat house drink..

Start searching for something yummy.


One thought on “About”

  1. Looking forward to a relaxing drink to wind down from a hectic day. Lets just say, I really deserve it! Your Sangria was AWESOME…looking forward to reading each weekly drink.

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